Monday, July 7, 2014

Week 13

Last week’s workouts:

Mon:  Rest (and recovery from the HalfMax)
Tue:  Swim 2,750 yards (main set = 18x50); Bike 70 min (last 20 comfortably hard); 10-min transition run
Wed:  Run 6.5 miles (easy pace)
Thu:  Swim 2,750 yards (main set = 4x300); Bike 1 hour (easy pace)
Fri:  Run 50 min. (tempo run)
Sat:  Swim 3,275 yards; run 14 miles
Sun:  Bike 70 miles

Total miles = 133.9

Week 13 of 20 – training is done.  Overall training is 65% complete. 

This week consisted of recovering from the HalfMax 70.3 race and getting back into focused Ironman training.  Although the soreness from the race was gone by Monday, I felt like I was pulling a parachute on my swim Tuesday morning.  I must admit that at this point, swimming is becoming more of a chore.  It takes a long time, it’s boring, and I don’t even have time to go home anymore before work.  Just time to shower and change at the gym, and it’s time to start the workday. 

I decided to run Wednesday evening so that I would get a run in during warmer temperatures, however it has been unseasonably cool here in St. Louis.  I may not have gotten much benefit from heat training, but I did win the mental battle to get out and do it.

My Ironmate's at it again - chicken, zucchini, corn, and tomato salad

My Thursday swim was more of the same – a chore!  I was also annoyed with some of the weirdos who swim in the morning.  I swear they spend more time talking than they do swimming.  Normally I don’t care – but when they’re talking across lanes and you’re taking your rest interval, you shouldn't have to be subjected to trivia questions and podiatry problems (not making this up).

Thursday afternoon stop at Big Shark to try and keep my pedals from coming loose

Thursday night I was able to ride with my wife – which is a rare treat.  We rode 16 or so miles down Grant’s Trail while our kids were off with friends, and we followed it up with dinner at Crazy Bowls and Wraps.  As the name implies, it was totally crazy!

By Thursday night, my tub has been re-purposed as a drying rack

Friday morning (4th of July) called for a 50 minute tempo run.  Including my 1-min recovery walk at each mile, my splits came out as 9:01, 9:14, 9:03, 9:47, and 9:33.  Because my schedule called for 20 minutes of fast efforts, I backed off the last 2 miles (but still ran fast).  I haven’t run that fast for a while, but it didn’t feel too bad.  We finished up the 4th with the Webster Groves parade, a cookout, and fireworks in Kirkwood.
A rare moment to relax Friday morning

4th of July fun
Waiting for the Webster Parade to begin

Despite getting to bed later than normal on Friday due to fireworks, the alarm went off early as usual on Saturday which got me to the pool at 7am.  I put my head down and got my 3,275 yards done just before aqua aerobics started.  Let me tell you – when 8:30 comes, you BEST be out of the pool.  You don’t want those old ladies getting on your case.  I’ve seen it before directed at others – it isn’t pretty!  I went home to eat and change, and then went to Creve Coeur Park for a 14 mile run.  Amy joined me for the first 5 – it was nice to have the company.  I got the last 9 done on my own.  I stretched out my walk interval in the last 5k, but got it done.  I seem to have some of the same mental struggles on any run, whether it’s 5k or 15k.  I’m thinking that will be different on race day when I have the legendary Louisville finish chute to look forward to, and can hear the crowd off in the distance.

A sure sign of summer - stuffing my sweaty shoes with newspaper to dry them out

Sunday brought another early wake-up call (5:30) so that I could eat, gear up, and head to Columbia IL for a 70 mile ride with one of my training partners and 10 people from the St. Louis Tri Club.  We started out with a nice, comfortable 10 mile ride and then started working our way up to the top of some bluffs.  We stayed up through mile 50 when we dropped back down toward the river and then dropped the hammer, knocking out 15 miles at a 20mph average.  These were some strong riders!  Coupled with the rising temps, I was done at the end of the ride (seems to be a recurring theme on Sundays).  I skipped my scheduled 10-min. brick in favor of some food and a nap.

 Typical Saturday night view - gear ready for Sunday's long ride

70 miles of Metro East fun
The downhill at mile 50 was awesome

DONE!  Time for a nap

Aaaah.  Hello Beer Sunday!

I had planned to bring my GoPro on this ride, but forgot to grab it.  Next time – I promise.  There would have been some good video of this group heading down a long hill and having a woman yell “get off the road you idiots!” to us.  We may be idiots for riding 70, but we do have a right to be on the road.

That’s it for this week – not very exciting!  Next week I’m racing Ironman 70.3 Muncie.  The weather looks like it might line up to be a good day.  I’ll have a recap next Monday.

47 days to go!

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