Monday, July 21, 2014

Still in Limbo

Last week's workouts:
Mon: rest
Tue: bike 70 min + 10 min run brick
Wed: run 7 miles
Thu: ride 70 min
Fri: travel day
Sat: run 16 miles
Sun: ride 23 miles, swim 850 yards (open water)

Total miles = 88.57

Since the collosal disaster known as Ironman 70.3 Muncie, I've been trying to get my stuff in order. I felt sick Saturday through Monday, but felt better Tuesday so I did my scheduled ride on the trainer. I noticed that my lung capacity still wasn't quite back, but I felt like I did have some power on the bike and the run.
On Wednesday, I had a good run and the lung capacity was better, but still not all the way back. By Thursday, I felt like myself again as Amy and I rode Grant's Trail.
Friday was a travel day with a 3:30 wake-up call and a 425 mile drive as we headed out for summer vacation, so I skipped my scheduled run. In fact I'll be modifying a lot of my schedule over the next week, with the biggest change being the move of my long ride to Wednesday or Thursday when there won't be as much traffic.
On Saturday, I got my 16 mile run in, and everything felt great. I ran the first 11 at my training pace (about a 10:15 - 10:30 average mile at a 9:1 interval) and I picked Amy up for the last 5 miles. My mechanics don't feel as good when I run Amy's pace, but I was more than happy to have her company.
I did a short ride in Sunday, basically moving a weekday ride around since I'll be riding long midweek. By looping the lake here, you get about 23 miles. What I forget however, is how hilly it is! I had a number of grind-it-out hills followed by insane downhills. Here's GoPro footage of my favorite hill where I hit just over 40 mph:

I still don't feel totally engaged for Louisville, although it is only 33 days away. I told myself that I won't make a final decision until the end of the week. I just have this voice in my head telling me that this is going to be an absolute train wreck, and I am nowhere close to ready.
So then why spend all the money on travel, hotel, food, etc. just to crap out?
Can you say head case??
Oh well - that's enough for today. I'm writing this on my iPad, so it isn't conducive to writing. I'll leave you with this clip that just makes me happy (from this morning).

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