Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Pre-Training Vacation?

Last week's training (don't laugh):

Mon:  rest/recover from QQ half
Tue:   rest/recover from QQ half
Wed:  bike 16 miles (1-hour trainer drills)
Thu:   run 6 miles (Forest Park)
Fri:     no workout, but walked 7.35 miles (Washington, DC)
Sat:     no formal workout, but walked 6.8 miles (Washington, DC)

This post is late because I was on a spring break trip with Amy and Adam to Washington, DC.  I planned to run in DC, but it just never quite worked out.  However, we walked almost everywhere we went, and logged some serious foot mileage.

We got into DC late Friday night and as I was going to sleep, I found out that the Rock n Roll marathon series was in town on Saturday morning...and wasn't sold out.  Bummer - if I would have found out just a few hours earlier, I would have high tailed it over to the expo and registered.  What a better way to see the city than a point-to-point half marathon from the Washington Monument to RFK stadium, along with a sweet medal.  Ugh - I'm still disappointed about that one!

Since I have no remarkable training to tell you about, here are some pictures from our trip instead.

Formal training begins in 2.5 weeks!

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