Saturday, August 23, 2014

Time to Race!

This is it. All the months of preparation and the highs & lows of training come down to tomorrow. I have a plan, and will need to execute it perfectly to be able to cross the finish line and call myself an Ironman.

The last week has been a dizzying mix of work, back-to-school activities, training, packing, and travel. Things were amped up when we got to Louisville with check-in, loading my bags, checking in the bike, etc. I finally have a few minutes to relax and reflect before going to bed.

Although I missed some training because of the pulmonary edema and Elyse's inability to stay vertical on her new bike, the stats are still ridiculous. Since training started on April 8th, I've logged 50 swim miles, 1,412 bike miles, and 334 run miles - a total of 1,796.

I'm happy to be racing with Dale, Kelly, and Jess tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to celebrating tomorrow night with Amy, Mary, Dave, Crystal, Kim, and Rachel. Louisville won't know what to do with so much Team Honey Badger awesomeness.

I'll get to all the necessary thanks when this is over, but I have to recognize my immediate family - Amy, Emily, Adam, and Bailey. THANK YOU - for putting up with all the training and the time away from home or asleep. I'm looking forward to a fall of baseball and volleyball games!  I love you all very much.

Keep your fingers crossed for me. See you on the other side.

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