Sunday, August 17, 2014

Race Week is Here! (gulp)

Last week's workouts

Mon:  Rest
Tue:  60 min. bike + run brick
Wed:  7 mile run
Thu:  60 min. bike
Fri:  45 min. speed work session
Sat:  50 mile bike
Sun:  10 mile run

Total miles = 103.9

After a sub-par week 18 of training, I was back on schedule for week 19.  Well, except there was no swimming because my pool was closed for annual maintenance.  I'm not sweating it, though.  It's back open this week, so I'll knock out the last few swim sessions.  Given the 4K open water swim in Louisville last week, I feel comfortable with that leg of the race.

Some scenes from the week:

Friday night speed work

We had a rainy weekend in St. Louis.  I cranked out 50 miles on the trainer on my road bike.  Torture.

I survived!

Only a 50-mile bike ride?  Awesome - gives me more time to harass my kids!

The Budweiser Clydesdales were less than impressed with this clydesdale's 10:00 pace

Hello junior!

10 sweaty miles - check!

Gross.  Absolutely gross.

I can't believe I made it to race week in one piece.  Sure, there were some bumps in the road both mentally and physically, but I'm here and ready to go!  I have started to pull gear together for the various bags used during the race (color coded to the bag, because I'm a huge nerd).  We get morning clothes, bike gear, bike special needs, run gear, and run special needs bags.  The morning bag is for things you might need in the morning, or need to get back at the finish (i.e. room keys).  The run/bike gear bags are those things needed for each, for instance, shoes, arm sleeves, sun glasses, sun screen, etc.  The special needs bags are received, if needed, on the bike and run course.  I'll load those with things like an extra socks, body glide, food, etc.

I'm sure the process of packing and checking, and rechecking these bags will take most of the week until I'm satisfied.

Looking ahead to the race, I'm concerned that the forecast for race day is 95 degrees.  Ugh.  I am trying not to let that psych me out.  My race plan already calls for ridiculous amounts of sports drink, squirting cold water on my neck and in my shorts (to hit the femoral artery), and loading my shirt with ice whenever possible.  If it's too hot, I'll just slow down.  17 hours.  17 hours.  Just need to remember - 17 hours!

I've been thinking about the race a lot today.  I woke up at 8:30 (would have already been in the water for an hour or so), ate breakfast, ran 10 miles, took a shower, ate lunch, ran errands, dumped ice water on my daughter for the ALS challenge, ran another errand, ate dinner, paid bills, walked the dog, and wrote this journal entry.  I STILL won't be done at this time next week.  Wow.

So I am reminding myself tonight and for the rest of this week.  All I need to do is get to this spot.  Then I can be happy.  And I can rest.

I'll probably have a few updates this week as I pack up and head out to Louisville.  Regardless of what the outcome is a week from today, thanks for sharing this journey with me!

7 days to go

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