Monday, June 9, 2014

Well That was Frustrating!

Last week's workouts

Mon:  Rest
Tue:  Swim 2,075 yards (main set = 8x75 yards); Bike 55 min. w/last 20 comfortably hard + 10 min. brick run
Wed:  Run 6 miles (easy pace)
Thu:  Swim 2,075 yards (main set = 4x250 yards); Bike 50 min (easy)
Fri:  Run 45 min (8 x 2 min. fast)
Sat:  Run 12 miles
Sun:  Swim 2,625 yards; bike 54 miles + 10-min brick run

Total miles:  108.14

This week was 9 of 20 in the formal training program.  By Sunday night, I was exhausted.  Got to bed around 8:30, and was fast asleep by 9:00 or so.

My week started out with a pulled muscle in my neck which was an issue when I turned my head to the right.  This is kind of important for swimming!  My swim workout was okay - I could feel it, but it loosened up as I swam.  By the time 10am rolled around, it locked up like a vise.  Lunch time trip to Walgreens...check.  A few days of treatment, and it felt better.

I've mentioned before the great support I get at home during this journey.  From my wife's awesome meals and understanding my training schedule, to my kids thinking that it's normal for Dad to go to sleep at 9:00 and being okay with me missing a game or not being able to play catch, to my dog who likes to snuggle - everyone is on board in helping me to achieve this ridiculous goal.

Salmon, brown rice, zucchini noodles, and tomato

Carne asada, spanish rice, and fruit

Snuggle buddy!

The work week flew by and gave way to a busy weekend.  On Friday night, we had a team event at a local food truck night, which was a fun distraction from training.  Saturday I ran 9 with a few friends and finished up my scheduled 12 miles with the Miles Against Melanoma 5k.

Just a few of many Honey Badgers who came out to support Amy's fight against melanoma

Sunday started at 8:30 when I left home to get to the pool for my scheduled 2,600 yard swim.  I got in as soon as they opened and it done.  Nothing spectacular, but nothing bad either.  Just another day in the pool.

As soon as I finished swimming, it was time to drive out to the MCT trails where I met up with 8 teammates for a 55 mile ride.  This ride featured one person's pedal falling apart (she was left with nothing but a stub), someone else getting stung by a bee inside their helmet, I broke a spoke, and someone's car wouldn't start.  It just wasn't our day.

I didn't get home until about 4:30, so it felt like I had been at the office all day.  I had some serious husband/dad guilt when I was driving home, so I need to figure out a way to schedule these workouts better so that I can actually see everyone.  However I know that in a few more weeks, I won't have much of a choice.  But we only have 11 more weeks to go, right?  And one of those weeks we'll be on vacation, so I can train early and spend the rest of the day with my crew.

Well that doesn't look right!  I lost focus for a second, over corrected, and hit a branch - next thing you know...PING!  If this happens again, I may invest in a wheel with more spokes and a wider base to distribute the weight a bit more.  I am a big man and am putting a lot of pressure on those wheels.

I've said before that I'm ready to eat the siding by Sunday afternoon.  This time the porch was the victim. 

A few last notes.  first, my kitchen looks like a bottle factory by Sunday night, with 6 running bottles, 4 bike bottles, my aero bottle, etc.

I read this article in the latest issue of Triathlete magazine.  Hey look!  I have two of the four hottest races in triathlon history on my schedule this year - Muncie and Louisville.  Uh oh!

Finally, I'm still dealing with some numbness in my hand and arm from Sunday's long ride.  Time to get it checked out.  Hope this doesn't put me on the biking DL for a while.  Wonder if it's related to the positioning of my elbow/forearms while in the aero position.

With that - it's time for bed.

75 days to go!

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