Monday, June 23, 2014

Guilty Your Honor!

Last week’s workouts

Mon:  Rest
Tue:  Swim 2,500 yards (main set = 10x75; 10x25); Bike 1 hr. + 10-min. transition run
Wed:  None (was supposed to run 6 miles but overslept and worked late)
Thu:  Swim 2,500 yards (main set = 5x200); Bike 1 hour
Fri:  Run 45 min (8x2-min fast)
Sat:  Run 13 miles; Swim 3,275 yards
Sun:  Bike 65 miles

Total mileage = 118.66

Last week was the last build week in the third cycle (week 11 of 20), so I have a recovery week to look forward to.  Of course I registered for a half iron distance triathlon next Saturday, but that's a story for next week's post.  I can tell it’s Monday because I’m in full “training zombie” mode.  I’m awake, but feel groggy.  Seems typical of my rest days.

The ulnar nerve issue I've been dealing with for a few weeks seems to be in check - I’ve logged 125 miles on the Cervelo in my new position, and that (plus making a conscious effort to move around often) seems to have done the trick for now.

My weekday workouts were pretty standard stuff, although I missed Wednesday morning’s scheduled 6 miler because I forgot to set my alarm and I couldn't run at night because I had to give a presentation for work.  I managed to forget my alarm again on Thursday, but woke up on my own at 5:05AM which gave me enough time to swim before going into the office.

This weekend's long training sessions started bright and early on Saturday morning with loops in Creve Coeur Park with one of the Honey Badgers.  I was fully prepared to run these miles solo, but was thankful for the company (thanks Dan!).  We successfully endured oppressive humidity and rapidly warming temperatures. You know it’s bad when we’re trying to figure out who's shoe we hear squishing.  It was time to bring out the old trick of stuffing my shoes with newspaper to dry them out quickly. 

Creve Coeur Park

I finished running around 8:30 and got in the pool at 10:30 when lap lanes opened up.  The plan was for 3,275 yards which is my personal distance record.  The distance wasn’t a problem, but my cramping calves made it a bit of a struggle.  I took a water bottle with some of my Infinite Nutrition mix in it, but that did little to help.  

I finished the day off by watching my daughter’s basketball tournament in the afternoon, and watching Liar Liar with Amy and Adam that night.  It was nice to have both of those workouts done by noon!

On Sunday I joined four Honey Badgers for a Trailnet ride in St. Charles County.  The route called for 50 miles, so we did that and added an additional 15 on at the end for a total of 65 (my personal distance record).  Since we started a little later than we planned (cough Susie cough), I bagged the 10-minute transition run in favor of getting home, unpacking my gear, and showering before we met the running team at a local bar to send off one of our friends who is moving to North Carolina.  I REALLY need to start bringing my GoPro camera to some of these training rides - there's some pretty spectacular scenery out there.  This ride went up through St. Paul's, MO (which I proclaimed as MY town) and provided some good hill work.

Church on our route through St. Paul

At this point in training I feel very good physically, it's still the mental part where I need focus.  These long session distances are hard on their own - putting them all together is hard to imagine.  Putting them all together in the heat is scary to me.  I keep telling myself to take it one day at a time and focus on the payoff - running down the chute at Fourth Street Live in Louisville.  

The finish line in Louisville is one of the best on the circuit

I've also been struggling with husband/dad guilt - especially on these long training weekends.  IF I'm actually home, there's a good chance that I'm asleep.  I haven't had to miss too many family things so far, but it's going to get very difficult to balance things over the next 2 months.  I've been reading up on tips for balancing training and family, but haven't found many new insights yet.  

As I'm training, this is the thought that creeps into my head:

But, this is how they say they feel:

In fact, as I'm sitting her writing this, Amy texted me the picture below with a note that says "feeding my Ironman".  She's making me egg and rice cups for grab and go breakfasts, and curry chicken with rice and vegetables for my lunches at work.

It takes a village to raise an Ironman, and I have an incredible support system!

61 days.

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