Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Plans Are Firming Up

Training last week:

Monday:   Rest
Tuesday:  Trainer drills (1 hour)
Wednesday:  Rest
Thursday:     Rest
Friday:   Run 10 miles
Saturday:  Swim 1,000 meters, elliptical 5 miles
Sunday:  Travel

Last week was a blur and I cannot remember what my excuse was for Wednesday and Thursday.  My Friday run was one of the best that I have had in a long time, so I'm not worried about the mid-week stuff.  I have been consistently getting my 10,000 steps a day in outside of my workout, which has involved lots of flights of stairs at work.

Now on to more important things.  Like John "Hannibal" Smith says on the A-Team, I love it when a plan comes together.  My race plans are settling in, and I'm looking forward to getting this season going!  Here are my distance race and triathlon plans for this year:

3/9      Quivering Quads trail half marathon
4/5      Lincoln Presidential Half Marathon
6/15    RecPlex Spring Triathlon
7/12    Ironman 70.3 Muncie
8/24    Ironman Louisville
10/10  Bourbon Chase 200-mile relay

I may possibly add the QuarterMax triathlon in Innsbrook, MO on 6/28 - we'll see about that one.

I'm really looking forward to Muncie because we'll have 7 Honey Badgers (and maybe one of my brothers) racing this year.

Until next week.

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