Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Just Chillin'. Literally.

Last week’s training:
Mon:     Run 4.2 miles
Tue:      Bike 20 miles (trainer)
Wed:    Swim 2,050 yards
Thu:      Rest
Fri:       Traveling for work
Sat:       Run 4 miles ("race")
Sun:      Bike 17 miles (trainer)

Training beings:  52 days
Ironman Louisville:  191 days

It's February, so in less than 2 months, formal training for Ironman Louisville begins!  I am still working on my base in all three disciplines, although the intensity isn’t there yet.  Part of me thinks I need to stop the “fun runs” and start pushing the pace a bit, but I’m sure this period of lower intensity will benefit me when the tough summer mileage comes along.

I focused last week on trying to knock out the mileage I need for the Icy Iron held by my tri club.  I’m done with the swim and bike mileage, and need about 8 run miles to complete this cycle (finish all 140.6 miles of the ironman over 5 weeks).

On Saturday, Amy and I joined some other Honey Badgers to run the Stan Musial Veteran’s Memorial Bridge Run (6K).  As part of the opening of the bridge, this race was held along with some bike time trials and other ceremonies.  Here is my GoPro summary of the race:

In other news, it’s still freezing cold and snow-packed, so I haven’t been running outside very much.  Looks like the temps will break over the next week, so I’m hoping to get back out there.  There are 4 weeks left until my first trail half marathon (Quivering Quads), so I guess at some point I should get out there and do some trail running.  I think that’s going to be a really long day.

Nothing says “Brentwood – City of Warmth” like a fountain totally encased in ice (left)

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