Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Here We Go!

This is it - my first blog post!  My goal with this blog is to document my journey to become an Ironman finisher at IM Louisville on August 24, 2014.  My intent is to post at least once each week, and I am hopeful that a full-time work schedule, an Ironman training schedule, and the schedule of my wife and kids will allow me to stay active here.  I'm sure it will be fun to look back at this once I reach my goal.

2014 will be my second full year for triathlon.  My race experience to date includes 3 olympic-ish distance races (500m pool swim, approx. 21 mile bike, 4.5 mile run) and one half ironman (Ironman 70.3 Muncie).  I feel like this experience has taught me some of the basics, but I clearly have a lot to learn during my journey.

Right now, I am focusing on cleaning up my nutrition, learning about gear, hydration, race strategy, etc., gearing up for training, and working on my base.  I guess it's also time to start looking at the races I will compete in this season, although that's hard to do when it's -8 degrees with a foot of snow outside.

Although I have been working out fairly consistently (despite the holidays and a few illnesses), I am now roughly following this base schedule:

M:  1-hr swim
T:   1-hr bike
W:  off
R:  1-hour run
F:  1-hour swim
Sa:  1-hour run
Su:  2-3 hour bike (although I'm not sure I can do 2-3 hours on the trainer without going insane)

I will also be incorporating strength training somewhere within this schedule.

My formal training calendar starts in early April, and I'm excited to get started!

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