Monday, April 7, 2014

And So It Begins

The official training calendar for Ironman Louisville began today...with a rest day (nailed it!).  With that, my journey has begun.  A total of 138 days until I hit the inviting waters of the Ohio River (that's my story, and I'm sticking to it).

My decision to Tri had been brewing for some time, but was made after watching a fellow St. Louis Triathlon Club member, Tiffany Dill, finish Ironman Louisville last August (see below).  I had been tracking her throughout the day, and watched the live stream as she finished the race.  That was it - I wanted to experience the feeling that she had as she ran through the chute.  I told my wife as I walked upstairs to go to bed that night that I wanted to do it.

Over the next day or two, my training partner Kelly and I must have exchanged about 500 texts and Facebook messages.  Should we?  Are you?  This is crazy.  Okay, I'm in!

A few months ago, we added another Honey Badger (Dale) to our crazy group.  I have no idea what challenges and adventures lie ahead, but I couldn't ask for two better people to experience this with, and a better pit crew in Amy, Emily, Adam, and the rest of Team Honey Badger.

Let's go!

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